Title : One Winter Weekend - a Hallmark Channel Original "Winterfest" Movie starring Taylor Cole & Jack Turner!
link : One Winter Weekend - a Hallmark Channel Original "Winterfest" Movie starring Taylor Cole & Jack Turner!
One Winter Weekend - a Hallmark Channel Original "Winterfest" Movie starring Taylor Cole & Jack Turner!
Movie: One Winter Weekend
Network: Hallmark Channel
Original Air Date: January 20, 2018
Taylor Cole ... Cara
Jack Turner ... Ben
Rukiya Bernard
Dewshane Williams
Bea Santos
Storyline via Hallmark: A relationship writer at a women’s magazine has recently sworn off dating and joins her best girlfriend for a snowboarding weekend. A reservation snafu forces them to share a chalet with a couple of guys they’ve never met, one of whom is a company CEO who is also lying low on the dating front. However, once he and she get to know one another better, they begin to wonder if perhaps they should rethink their whole “non-dating” status, until each finds out what the other does for a living, and he bolts.
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*images via: Hallmark Crown Media Family Networks
Photo Credit: Copyright 2017 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman
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