FAQ's 2020/21

FAQ's 2020/21 - Hallo friend REFERENCES FILM CHILDREN, In the article you read this time with the title FAQ's 2020/21, we have prepared well for this article you read and download the information therein. hopefully fill posts Article ADORABLE, Article ANIMATION, Article CUTE, Article EDUCATION, Article GENERAL, Article RELIGION, we write this you can understand. Well, happy reading.

Title : FAQ's 2020/21
link : FAQ's 2020/21

see also

FAQ's 2020/21


Answers to FAQ 2020/21 about our Courses, Registration, Health Guidelines, Activities  

Will you offer IN CLASSROOM Courses?

Yes!  Our schedule will be similar to previous years and we will continue to offer high quality full immersion experiences for all ages.

Will you also offer Live Zoom VIRTUAL Classes?

Yes we offer Individual Lesson Options for Young Learners (PreK, Family English, Elem 123, Elem 345) and the Adult Writing and Conversation Workshop.

What are the COVID-19 Regulations for classes?

Rules follow Italian guidelines:
  • Reduced number of Students per class for Social Distancing
  • Face Masks for ALL, (age 6 and over)
  • Temperature <37.5°C 
  • Registration at the entrance
  • Social distancing
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sanitation of classrooms at the end of each lesson 
  • Staggered starting times of lessons to avoid group assemblies
  • Students bring their own pencil case with school supplies
  • No toys
  • No Library Checkouts (until further notice)

What happens if there is another Covid-19 Health Emergency?

Fingers crossed, but ALL of our classes will go LIVE ONLINE, if need be.

When will classes start?

The Fall Session begins the week of September 28th. 

This year our FALL Session will be only 10 weeks instead of the traditional 12 weeks in Fall.

Why did you wait to post classes, open registration and start classes?

We have been closed for 6 months and will open registration after we see how public schools have enforced COVID-19 rules on September 14th.  

We care and consider the health and safety of everyone.

This year our FALL Session will be only 10 weeks instead of the traditional 12 weeks.

How can I register?

  • September 1st - PUBLICATION of class days, times and prices so you can have an idea of what you will select.
  • September 9th and 10th - Virtual OPEN DAYS on ZOOM for new students, by reservation.  If you already know us, no need to participate.  The video presentations will also be posted online on our YouTube channel, Facebook and Instagram.
  • September 14th - ONLINE REGISTRATION for ALL OPENS with the LINK that will be published on September 14th.  (Sorry, no pre-registration and no exceptions)


We have a NEW Automatic System that lets you manage your registration, payment and receipts from home.
  1. Create an account ONLINE on the link we will supply (if you are returning student, type your name and you will easily find your data that is already in the system).
  2. Verify that the class has availability.
  3. Pay your Membership Fee via Credit Card, before you register for a class.
  4. Register for your Classes and Pay via Credit Card.
  5. Print and manage your receipts at home

Can I pay with Welfare Vouchers from my Company, in Cash or IBAN?

  • If you pay with Company Welfare Vouchers, you still need to pay for your membership online with a Credit card.  Then, reserve your class, selecting the voucher option and send an email to aiatriesteinfo@gmail.com
  • If you wish to pay in cash, you will need to come to the office during our office hours.  However, remember that spaces are LIMITED.  Come early.
  • IBAN Payments have been replaced by ONLINE Credit Card Payments.

What about discounts?

  • There are NO discounts for brothers and sisters.
  • The IBAN Payment discount has been eliminated.
  • Our prices have remained the same for over 5 years, even if this year, the teacher: student ratio is reduced.

Who needs to be a Member?

  • For Insurance and Statute purposes, ALL Students taking classes who are age 16 and over MUST have their OWN Memberships.  
  • If your child is under age 16, the parent becomes the member and is linked to their child. 

What if my course is not available?

  • Simple Advice:  Register ASAP.  Student Numbers per class are reduced this year.  
  • If your course is not available, it is full with no exceptions made.
  • Try to select another day.
  • If you absolutely need the day that is full, yYou can be placed on a waiting list in case something changes in Fall or Winter.  Send an email to aiatriesteinfo@gmail.com

What about the 2020/21 American Film Series?

We have already confirmed dates with Teatro dei Fabbri.  The series is schedule to start on October 29th with the Social Distancing Rules in effect on that date,

And the films that members misssed due to COVID-19 in the 2019/20 American Film Series?

The 4 films are scheduled to be shown in October on Thursdays at the Association.  Details in the October newsletter.   

Will Free American Corner Activities be offered?

We will gradually proposed the calendar of American Corner activities, with reservations and following Covid-19 guidelines.   Many activities are proposed online. 

Thus articles FAQ's 2020/21

that is all articles FAQ's 2020/21 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting .

You now read the article FAQ's 2020/21 with the link address https://referencesfilmchildren.blogspot.com/2020/08/faqs-202021.html

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