Title : Meet "Over Under"
link : Meet "Over Under"
Meet "Over Under"
Meet "Over Under", a short film project created by our third year graduating class of student animators. At over seven minutes, "Over Under" is our most ambitious animated film project so far. Directed by Lucy Harris and produced by Aidan Lonergan, "Over Under" includes some very stylish set design and confident character animation. The film is currently being entered into film festivals, and we wish it and the team every success.
About "Over Under"
"Over Under" was developed from a pitch by Lucy Harris, who wrote and directed the film. It was a group project, produced by Aidan Lonergan, overseen by UG Program Leader Michael Davies, and involved around 20 animators - the graduating class of 2017-20.
- Lucy Harris - Writer, Director, Storyboard Artist, Animator
- Aidan Lonergan - Producer, Editor, Animator, Texturing, Rigging
- Michael Davies - Executive Producer
- Malvina Hedenberg - Storyboard Artist, Animator, Set Design
- Miguel Teixera - Additional Editor, Animator, Modeling
- Conway Dobbs - Animator
- Cuchulan O'Byrne - Animator, 3D Layout
- Petroc Menuhin - Animator
- Kacper Fratczak - Animator, Lighting
- Lucie Krausova - Animator, Texturing, Modeling, Rigging
- Sasha Batt - Animator
- Jack Thompson - Head TD, Animator, Cinematographer, Lighting Supervisor, Rigging
- Titi-Marion Giusca - Animator
- Maciej Osuch - Animator
- Ravi Limbu - Animator, Lighting
- Daniel Lotter - Unreal TD, Animator
- Carme Massa - Modeling, Set Design, 3D Layout
- Marcus Hedenberg - Composer
- Jakob Parsons - Sound Design
The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link. To apply for our storyboarding evening class, visit this page here. For the next 12 week animation course, click here.
Thus articles Meet "Over Under"
that is all articles Meet "Over Under" This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting
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